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Course Details


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JEE (Main+Advanced)

MATH’S GURU is equipped with a team of top faculties for the preparation of JEE (Main+Advanced) who are known for producing the best results year after year. Our meticulously planned courses and well-timed completion of the syllabus renders sufficient time to the engineering aspirants for self-studies and thorough revision. Our subject experts simply explain the basics using illustrations which helps students to get well acquainted with the topics.

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NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test)

MATHS GURU Classroom Program for NEET coaching intends to render a methodical and robust scheme to crack NEET most efficiently. With the primary focus being conceptual clarity and comprehensive knowledge, these modules approach the vast syllabus of NEET through utmost vigilance considering individual’s plus points and weaknesses simultaneously. This ensures a greater success rate is achieved with a reduced number of attempts.

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NDA (National Defence Academy)

Ready to start your journey to becoming an NDA officer? Join the MATHS GURU, a 12-month program with expert faculties, live classes, and comprehensive study materials. Boost your preparation with weekly and monthly tests, doubt-clearing sessions, and full syllabus mock tests. Lay a strong foundation for your NDA exam success!

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CDS (Combined Defence Services)

MATHS GURU is honored as the stylish online CDS guiding in India, icing that you admit comprehensive medication. also, our CDS guiding online ensures that campaigners are well-prepared and equipped for success in their CDS examinations. Our online courses for CDS end to ensure that campaigners pass the CDS test on their first attempt. These courses offer the guidance of the nation’s top preceptors and are affordable.

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Proin rutrum erat eget eros porttitor, eget ultricies diam aliquet. Proin maximus ipsum sit amet lectus consectetur, non placerat erat auctor.

Duis aliquam ac pretium molestie, arcu justo mattis dui, sed mattis purus turpis nec leo. Donec cursus ornare maximus et.

Course Features

Donec est ante, aliquam et tincidunt ut, molestie auctor ipsum. Nam at nibh luctus, viverra ligula vitae, vulputate erat. Vivamus vestibulum metus vel odio fermentum sodales. Aenean consectetur gravida ultricies.

Quisque lobortis nibh vel aliquam fringilla. In fermentum mattis aliquam. Sed et elit sed mauris tristique volutpat. Praesent eleifend nec lacus ac bibendum.

Designed for all levels

Morbi tristique, leo sit amet ultricies hendrerit, orci arcu eleifend dolor. Aenean at turpis orci, quis consectetur velit turpis.

hands-on learning

Duis aliquam ac pretium molestie, arcu justo mattis dui, sed mattis purus turpis nec leo. Donec cursus ornare maximus et.

Power of community

Curabitur at malesuada ipsum, id pulvinar enim. Fusce purus mauris, auctor in quam ut, interdum arcu, in aliquet arcu a sapien.

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